
American Surveying & Engineering performs Right of Way Engineering for Highways, Railroads, Power Transmission, Pipelines and Communication infrastructure. Turnkey services that includes Corridor Planning; corridor mapping; parcel and easement surveys; title research, appraisal and appraisal reviews; negotiations, relocation assistance, permitting and other professional services to facilitate the acquisition of takes or easements for the construction, maintenance and protection of new and existing infrastructure.

Corridor Planning

Corridor Planning involves mapping the new potential or existing corridor, performing or assisting the Agency or owner with route selection. Due Diligence is an important part of route selection to evaluate the potential various corridors.

Acquisition Documents

ASE has prepared thousands Right of Way Plats, Parcel Plats, Descriptions and Acquisition Documents including Warranty Deeds, Permanent Easements, Dedications, and other conveyance documents.

Appraisals and Appraisal Review

ASE is a licensed Appraisal Management Company in the State of Illinois. Certified General Appraisals provide objective, impartial, and unbiased opinions about the value of real property. Each appraisal assignment challenges the appraiser’s ability to put analytical skills into practice, exercise sound judgment, and communicate effectively. Experience is the key to qualitative appraisals.


Our Negotiators understand this critical aspect of parcel acquisition. Our Negotiators find common ground and build rapport with owners by using patience, fair minded and creative approaches to the challenges of meeting owner expectations.

Offer Letters presented with careful descriptions of the project benefits and discussion of unite values and remainder impacts yield results.

Acquisition Management

ASE performs additional services when required such as Relocation Assistance, Property Management, Eminent Domain Documentation, Expert Witness Testimony, Inter Agency Coordination and GIS to facilitate the maintenance of the built project.


We have also done Land Acquisition work on these selected projects:

More examples of land acquisition projects are available upon request.

  • Land Acquisition Corridor Management of EOWA
  • Land  Survey Services for Tri-State Master Plan Study
  • USDA IDIQ Boundary Surveys
  • Chicago Housing Authority Real Estate Surveys
Land Acquisition Corridor Management of Elgin O'Hare Western Access Project

ASE provided Professional Land Survey Services in support of engineering studies to lead to Tollway 30% Master Plan Study for the proposed reconstruction of the Tri-State. ASE had four core areas of responsibility on this project. The first was Subsurface Utility Engineering Level A exposures. Second, ASE compiled the existing Right of Way (ROW). ASE re-viewed previous surveys and record drawings provided by others, and researched record ROW. Based on plats and plans, ASE determined road ROWS within the project area, and reviewed drawings, pro-vided by others, to compare with actual field occupation. ASE reported ROW discrepancies between the drawings and data and the actual occupations. Third, ASE prepared ROW Takes by performing ROW surveys, created land acquisition documents including the Plat of Highway, and staking the ROW. Finally, ASE coordinated its ROW efforts with the Master Plan.

Land Survey Services for Tri-State Master Plan Study
Land acquisition surveys and documents for 23 miles of the Tri-State and 17 miles of crossroads from 95th Street to the Kennedy/O'Hare Interchange. The project included boundary surveys for 1,954 parcels and 269 widening parcels. Field work included horizontal control by GPS, vertical control and aerial photo control, and staking of right-of-way. Established/recovered PLSS section corners (approximately 130) for every section line affecting Tollway and side road right of way across the 23-mile corridor. Office work included preparation of a digital vector base and plats of highway (approximately 72 sheets). Additional work included complete re-survey of parcels adjacent to the existing right-of-way.
USDA NRC_IDIQ Contract to perform Cadastral/Boundary Surveys for Rural and Mixed Urban Use Land Class Property

ASE performed boundary surveys, topographic surveys, cross section and other surveys for USDA Federal WRP and EWP programs located in Illinois.  Many of the boundary surveys are used in the construction of permanent conservation easements for wetlands and waterways.  All boundary surveys require plats of survey, legal descriptions and other land acquisition documents to USDA specifications, capable of recording at the Recorder of Deeds office in their respective counties.

IDIQ Contract for Real Estate Surveys (11-730) for Chicago Housing Authority

In 2012 the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) placed ASE under contract to supply ALTA surveys, topographic surveys and boundary surveys.  Under this 11-15 year Plan, the CHA transformed from an owner/manager of public housing into a facilitator of housing opportunities.  ASE performed work orders for surveys of rehabilitated public housing projects during the contract with the Agency.


Request a Consultation!

American Surveying & Engineering, P.C. (ASE) offers a variety of professional services. Please contact us with any question you may have and one of our representatives will get back to you shortly.


American Surveying & Engineering, Ltd. (ASE) offers a variety of professional services. ASE, which was established in 1978 as American Surveying Consultants, has its corporate office in Chicago and branch offices in Naperville and Dixon, Illinois.

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Let ASE work with you to provide project solutions that exceed your expectations. We offer unique solutions to every project that saves time and money.
Innovative approaches to everday tasks allow you to get your data sooner at less cost.  


  • 312-277-2000
  • 120 N. LaSalle St., Suite 3350, Chicago, IL 60602


  • Surveyors
  • Engineers
  • Geodesists
  • Mapping Scientists
  • Appraisers, Negotiators
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